Origin Software


No more complexity.
Enjoy operation.

ORIGIN is the easiest way to organize and produce concrete work. Today all businesses are running fast. Both man and machine should come together to serve business. Software is a soul of machine that controls sequences and functions.

ORIGIN is only the answer for concrete batching plant that you never found in others. Over 10 years, ORIGIN has been developed to meet all customer needs and has been also used in limited company and public company worldwide.

ORIGIN gives you every fast track to finish your job such as Quick-Order function, automatic free-fall control, basic user-level authorization, Excel data import, basic warehouse management and more than 30 reports ready to use!


Security is a key.
ORIGIN has user-level authorization control by pages and buttons. You can enable, set to view only, to insert but not delete, or hide button and icon. Once you need to check user activities, just enter event log.

Report Filter

See what you want.
You can adjust condition to filter report as you wish. With filter value combination, you can create unlimited report. Moreover, you can export report to PDF or Excel without extra tools

Warehouse Management

Material all in your hand.
You can manage stock for incoming and can see how much it remains. Moreover, you can use keep-in store function to be your internal store, if needed.

Data Integrity

Manual data is never lost.
General batching software often saves data while computer connecting. Not for ORIGIN, if computer down, data still saves in PLC. When computer is back, you can upload to computer with date/time stamp.

Flow Control

Think flow, it flows.
Many control logics are used to optimize time and volume. ORIGIN has its own control logic called ‘FlowRate’. Unlike fuzzy logic that uses time to learn, FlowRate function can adapt rapidly if flow changes.

Command Center

ORIGIN has two-way communications. One is to send data from plant site. One is to download from center. You can manage job order and database from head office to branch easily.

Software Pool Solution

You are not alone.
Nowadays we have a lot of software surrounding ourselves. ORIGIN can receive order file from another control and send data file to another system, e.g., SAP.

Digital Control

Welcome to new era.
ORIGIN now supports digital indicator and PLC with Ethernet card. You can get exact weight from scale. You can run fast and can move computer away from electric cabinet with LAN cable.

Remote Database

Connect factory and office.
Why one man show? You ‘re got a friend. If your job needs intensive care both concrete quality and database work, it’s good to have one computer in plant and one in office connected by LAN.